The stipulation of the Learning From Home (BDR) policy by the government since last year has caused considerable changes in the course of the teaching and learning process at school. In its implementation, learning with BDR requires readiness from schools, teachers, students, and parents. However, problems also continue to arise with the new policy, considering that not all schools have the readiness to carry out the teaching and learning process with distance learning patterns. This is also experienced by schools in Surakarta City.
BDR learning has limited face-to-face hours unlike the regular learning process in general. Learning with this pattern requires adequate school infrastructure support and requires a special strategy to be able to carry out the learning process and its assessment optimally. This requires a learning strategy that combines various combinations of learning interactions, and utilizes various forms of learning materials/resources using offline, online, or a combination of both modes according to the implementation of learning in special conditions. This strategy should also be oriented towards independent student learning so that limited meetings can be used only to provide reinforcement by discussion or reviewing students’ understanding of a concept.
Flipped Classroom is one of the learning strategies that can be done. This learning method is a learning method where students learn material (study) outside school / at home independently, then conduct discussions or active learning when meeting face to face with the teacher. Learning with the flipped classroom model requires teaching materials that are certainly different from the teaching materials used in normal conditions. The teaching materials must be able to facilitate students to learn independently so that when they meet face to face with the teacher there is something that needs to be reinforced by the teacher.
Teaching materials that are made must be accessible to students both online and offline. The problem is not many teachers develop teaching materials that are suitable for students to learn independently. Based on considerations and mutual agreements made by the Primary and Secondary Education Mathematics Learning Group of FKIP UNS and service partners, namely the management of Mathematics MGMP in Surakarta city, the Community Service Team through the Research Group for Primary and Secondary Education Mathematics Learning, the Undergraduate Study Program Mathematics Education, FKIP, Sebelas Maret University consisting of Dr. Imam Sujadi, M.Si., Ira Kurniawati, S.Si., M.Pd., Arum Nur Wulandari, S.Pd., M.Pd., and Riki Andriatna, S.Pd., M.Pd. in collaboration with the Surakarta City Mathematics MGMP Team organized the activity “Training on Using of FastStone Capture to Support Flipped Classroom for Junior High School Mathematics Teachers in Surakarta City”.
FastStone Capture is a powerful, lightweight, yet full-featured screen capture software that allows you to easily capture and edit screen captures. FastStone Capture is able to capture anything that appears on your PC/laptop screen in the form of windows, objects, full screen, rectangular/freehand regions, and scrolling windows/web pages. FastStone Capture is one of the unpaid software that can help teachers in preparing these teaching materials.
This activity was held on September 15, 17, and 22, 2021 and was attended by 30 teachers from MGMP Mathematics SMP Surakarta City. In this training, the socialization of mathematics learning with the flipped classroom model by utilizing various IT-based media was carried out, a workshop on the introduction of Faststone Capture software and demonstrating the rules for capturing objects in the form of videos, images, or texts and their use in developing teaching materials, and the dissemination of the results of the first stage of training, which was the learning plan that would be carried out with the flipped classroom model which had been combined with the results of the second stage of training in the form of teaching materials developed using Faststone Capture software.