The current National Education Standards (SNP=Standar Nasional Pendidikan) state that the Graduate Competency Standards (SKL=Standar Kompetensi Lulusan) at the Basic Education Level Education Unit are focused on growing the literacy and numeracy competencies of Learners to follow further education. The measurement of learning outcomes through the National Assessment (AN=Asesmen Nasional) uses at least three types of instruments, namely the Minimum Competency Assessment (AKM=Asesmen Kompetensi Minimum), Character Survey, and Environmental Survey. One of the assessments in AKM is numeracy. The Assessment and Learning Center (2020) states that “Numeracy is the ability to think using mathematical concepts, procedures, facts, and tools to solve everyday problems in various types of contexts that are relevant to individuals as citizens of Indonesia and the world”. This shows that numeracy questions are different from the math questions given in the National Examination. AN reporting for Surakarta City on the level of junior high school/equivalent, both public and private, which amounted to 81 Education Units, with the number of respondents 2,743 Students, the number of Head of Education Unit 76, and the number of Teacher respondents 2,176, obtained the results of student numeracy skills have reached the minimum competency, meaning that most students have reached the minimum competency limit for numeracy but still need efforts to encourage more students to become proficient. Numeracy is different from numeric as well as from mathematics, but numeracy is a part of mathematics. Numeracy is a skill that a person has and is not limited to doing calculations only, but to apply the concepts that have been learned in solving problems.
To be able to overcome these problems, the Community Service Team of the Mathematics Learning Research Group in Primary and Secondary Education, the Undergraduate Study Program Mathematics Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University with the chairman Dr. Imam Sujadi, M.Si., collaborated with the Surakarta City Mathematics MGMP (=Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran) Team in organizing the “TRAINING ON DEVELOPING CLASS AKM QUESTIONS FOR JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL MATHEMATICS TEACHERS IN SURAKARTA CITY” on July 16, July 23, August 3, and August 10, 2022 at SMP Negeri 18 Surakarta. The form of community service activities is a training for mathematics teachers who are members of the Surakarta City Mathematics MGMP, with material on understanding the concept of Numeration, understanding the types and forms of Numeration questions, identifying the rules for preparing Numeration questions for AKM, understanding the content and context of Numeration questions, and providing assistance to teachers to be able to utilize the “Asesmenpedia” platform developed by the Assessment Center of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, to practice preparing Numeration questions and using them for classroom AKM implementation.
Figure 1. Abdimas Team and Training Participants
This activity involved 30 mathematics teachers that actively participated in training activities which were divided into four stages, as follows.
1. First stage, this stage discussed the education policy on AKM (especially on Numeracy), trained to read the “education report card” platform of the education unit, followed by brainstorming related to numeracy. This meeting also discussed the content, context, and form of numeracy questions. After the first meeting was over, participants were given the task of finding examples of contexts related to the content.
Figure 2. Education Report Card Platform
2. Second stage, this stage was the delivery of material on the preparation of AKM Numeracy questions. Participants were given knowledge about the components and cognitive levels of AKM Numeracy questions which include Context (Personal, Socio-Cultural, and Scientific), Content (Numbers, Algebra, Geometry and Measurement, and Data and Uncertainty), and Cognitive Levels (Knowing, Applying, and Reasoning). At the end of the meeting, participants were divided into four groups according to the Numeracy content and were given the task of compiling questions based on the content.
Figure 3. Material Presentation related to AKM Numeration Questions
3. Third stage, this stage was in the form of presentation activities from each group regarding the AKM Numeration questions that had been prepared by the group. Furthermore, discussions and corrections were held between the participants and the Abdimas Team as well as a review of the problem tasks made by the participants. After the meeting was over, participants were asked to cross-revise the questions.
Figure 4. Discussion and Review Activities between Participants and Abdimas Team
4. Fourth stage, this stage was the introduction and utilization of the platform “Asesmenpedia.” On this platform, teachers can study various AKM Numeracy questions for various contexts, content, and cognitive levels that have been created by teachers throughout Indonesia, including conducting discussions. In addition, participants can also upload questions that have been developed so that they can share with fellow teachers in Indonesia.
Gambar 5. Platform Asesmenpedia
Pusat Asesmen dan Pembelajaran. (2020). Desain Pengembangan Soal AKM. Jakarta: Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan dan Perbukuan.