The P2M activity carried out by the FKIP UNS Mathematics Education Study Program P2M Team, consisting of Henny Ekana C, S.Si, M.Pd, Dr Triyanto, M.Si, Dr. Farida Nurhasanah M.Pd, Getut Pramesti, S.Si, M.Si, and Rubono Setyawan S. Si, M.Sc, aims to develop financial management applications using Microsoft Access. Microsoft Access is an application programme produced by Microsoft that is useful for creating, processing, and managing databases (databases) in a relational model, because it consists of column columns and row columns (Nana Suarna, 2011). The managerial relational nature of Microsoft Access is what the abdimas team uses in developing application programmes on the administrative management system of savings and loan cooperatives, to produce an accountable and effective administrative information.
This P2M activity was carried out from May to October 2019, with the stages of the prototyping approach, which starts from analysing the needs related to the application to be developed such as what data is needed in the application through interviews and observations to the cooperative management as initial planning. The next stage is design development. In the design development activity, the abdimas team involved Mathematics Education students: Sugeng Sulistiyawan Student ID Number K1315050. The application design chosen is using Microsoft Access, because of its ability to be used to process interconnected databases so as to produce information (reports) on all data input made by users (in this case the cooperative management) about membership activities such as loans, loan history, savings deposits, number of members etc. making it easier for administrators to carry out administration, change activity data or edit data quickly. As for some displays of the results of application development are as follows:
The initial view of the application, containing member data: name, address, membership number and member telephone number.
Display on the loan menu
While the test phase of the application development results, carried out on 28 September 2019, at the meeting of members of the savings and loan cooperative “GEMAH RIPAH” Busukan, Mojosongo, Surakarta.
From the implementation of the use of the application, a positive response was obtained from both cooperative members and administrators, that the application helps and facilitates the implementation of cooperative management, making it easier for members to view data / access the administration carried out by the management of all cooperative financial activities quickly, precisely and accountably, because the management of the cooperative is still managed by the residents themselves, whose management is voluntary without any administrative attachment, so that the management cannot be fully “all out” involved in cooperative management. However, it is important to make cooperatives for the community, especially local residents, remain open and stand on the awareness of the community itself, through the application of financial principles that are responsible to members for business sustainability.