Student Community Service

Given the diversity of Indonesian society, the scientific paradigm in Indonesia must find its own path or character. Building a scientific tradition that is loyal to the reality of Indonesian life needs to be emphasized. Therefore, universities in addition to providing educational functions for their students must also help solve community problems for their better civilization. It can be said that knowledge without practice is empty, practice without knowledge is dwarfed.

By participating in KKN, students should have new knowledge, new feelings, new abilities, and new awareness about the problems and how to solve those faced by their people, about their homeland and about how they should play a further role. There are three important elements contained, namely: education, research and community service. KKN can be interpreted as a form of integrating intracurricular activities of education, research and community service by students in an interdisciplinary manner.

KKN program planning is carried out together with interested parties for the development of the community where KKN will be carried out (local government, private sector, community elements) as a joint planning, so that the implementation is also the joint responsibility of those involved in planning it. In order to be directed and bring optimal benefits to the community, it begins with the implementation of needs assessment and the preparation of data base which becomes a reference source for program planning and KKN evaluation. DPL (Field Supervisor) is expected to understand the location and condition of the community in the area. By understanding the field and community conditions first, the supervisor can direct student activities when they arrive at the KKN site. In addition, so that later the program objectives become more effective and efficient. DPL should know the cultural and social culture of the local KKN community.

Purpose and Objectives of KKN

  1. Realizing one of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, namely the field of community service.
  2. Assist students in applying science, technology and art learned directly in accordance with the theory so as to benefit the community.
  3. Equipping students with community approach skills and forming attitudes and behaviors to always be sensitive to the problems faced by the community.
  4. Provide students with learning experiences in community life and mature their personalities and broaden their horizons.
  5. Train students to learn together with the community to participate and contribute to development.
  6. Assist community empowerment through the application of science, technology and art as an effort to achieve prosperity.