Figure 1. The process of introducing MOOC Vocation Home to the teachers of SMK Bhinneka Karya Surakarta
Surakarta – Mathematics learning does have a special perspective among students, especially in its implementation in Vocational Schools. In general, math is considered a subject that is not easy to understand. Although not all students agree, the fact is that the average score of this subject is lower than other subjects. One of the factors complained about is the monotonous learning method that adds to students’ boredom followed by learning that is identical to calculations and numbers. On the other hand, this subject still has an important role in life. Many success stories were born from the basis of understanding good math concepts. Mathematics learning needs to be developed with various innovations to make it more fun, especially being able to make students understand the concept faster.
Overcoming this, a lecturer from Sebelas Maret University (U.S.) Surakarta, Dr. Laila Fitriana, M.Pd., Dr. Triyanto, M.Si., and Ario Wiraya, M.Sc, introduced more fun learning innovations at SMK Bhinneka Karya Surakarta. Held on Monday (3/7), this program is titled Community Service or Community Service (PKM), seeks to provide an overview to the school regarding alternative implementation of modern technology-based learning innovations. The use of technology provides a strong experience for students so that they get more enthusiastic and make learning more fun. Especially now that technology in the form of smartphone is a popular tool among them. This is a distinct advantage for schools in the eyes of the community, especially parents who monitor their children’s learning directly. In this case, interactive Mathematics learning media using MOOC Vocation Home is introduced.
MOOC Vocation Home is a web and application-based learning platform that offers massively accessible online learning. This platform provides online and blended learning services on various subjects for the Vocational School segment. Competencies in vocational schools are very competitive and broad. Not only knowledge, but also offers skills to be mastered. This is what makes vocational schools have more value than general schools. This platform provides complete features regarding various types of competencies in vocational schools, including technical, social, and applied competencies. Another advantage of this platform is that it does not only provide adaptive competencies, but also normative competencies, namely Mathematics subject. Mathematics learning with this application can be realized in the form of: (a) Multi-class that is specific to the needs of the industry, (b) Material in the form of video tutorials and e-pubs that can be accessed online, (c) Interactional quizzes, (d) Online mentoring with selected professional mentors, and (e) Export recognized competency certificates. Teachers and students can use this learning media as an alternative to monotony in learning. Students can build direct interaction, directly assisted by the application to create a space for updated material needs and industry needs. This service can be accessed for free or with no cost.
This PKM program with SMK Bhinneka Karya Surakarta was well implemented and was able to provide a strong learning experience between teachers and students. In the midst of the Industrial Revolution, learning Mathematics using MOOC Vocation Home is the right combination, in line with the demands of the times. Mr. Sarjiman as the Head of SMK Bhinneka Karya Surakarta gave a warm welcome and interest in the existence of applications that can improve students’ competence. He said that the correlation between SMK and Higher Education as is currently being done is very helpful for the sustainability of a more enjoyable learning interest. This program can be a superior activity that supports the improvement of the quality of education in schools. Not only that, the hope is that this program can continue. This program has been in the spotlight for a long time, so there is high government support for innovation among vocational schools.
Figure 2. The web view of MOOC Vocation Home can be accessed at