Chairman: Dr Ikrar Pramudya, M.Si.
Servant Member: Dr. Mardiyana, M.Si., Drs. Ponco Sujatmiko, M.Si., Dyah Ratri Aryuna, S.Pd., M.Si., Muhammad Haikal Pramardika.
Learning mathematics in a play situation is one of the issues that has received attention in recent years. Play aids student learning and encourages participation through an interactive learning environment, which can have a positive impact on student engagement and learning outcomes. Students’ experiences during play increase engagement, personal relationships, comfort and academic efficacy. Games based on mathematical interventions can be a way to improve student engagement and learning outcomes in teaching difficult subjects such as fractions (Hunt et al 2022).
By using math games in the classroom teachers can address mathematical content, reasoning and problem solving and customize games to meet the individual needs of students. But it should be noted that games can be used as an effective learning tool when the tasks involved in the game are aligned with the planned mathematical objectives and provide all students opportunities to engage in higher-order mathematical thinking and reasoning (Buchheister et al 2017). According to Russo (2018), games in mathematics learning should fulfill the following five principles: (i) be engaging, fun and generate mathematical discussion (ii) balance skill and luck (iii) exploring mathematical concepts and practicing mathematical skills should be central in the game strategy (iv) serve a variety of learners and can be modified to cater for a variety of concepts (v) provide opportunities to foster home-school connections.
This community service activity is intended to assist teachers in making game designs and devices in learning mathematics on the subject of fractional numbers through the following stages of activities:
a. Presentation of material about games in learning mathematics, especially on the subject of fractional numbers by the resource person
b. Demonstration of game examples by the community service team to help teachers get ideas for designing games.
a. Formulation of game design in the subject of fractional numbers by teachers based on student difficulties in the subject of fractional numbers encountered by teachers
b. Simulation of games that have been designed by teachers
For the implementation of community service activities in the form of Assistance in Preparing Game Design in Mathematics Learning on Fractional Numbers in MGMP Mathematics SMP / MTs Jatinom Klaten Area Coordinator, the community service team of the Algebra Analysis Research Group of the UNS Mathematics Education Study Program expressed their gratitude to the UNS Research and Community Service Institute for assisting in funding through the UNS PKM-HGR Grant and the management and teachers of MGMP Mathematics SMP / MTs Jatinom Klaten Coordinator Area who have been very open and enthusiastic in carrying out activities.